Guide To Roleplay

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lllllJACKDANIELSlllll, Jan 2, 2015.

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  1. Great job op!
  2. do you have iso certificates ?
  3. I have a health certificate?
  4. fair enough
  5. Really?
  6. This guide is actually pretty legit

    Then I saw you stole it from wiki so LULZ that's why it's so good

    But the comments 

    "You're breaking rule #3"
    "isn't it #4?"

  7. :lol: that was me...?
  8. I kinda expected to open the thread and just see the word "don't"
  9. Wouldn't that have been ideal?
  10. 
  11. [​IMG]
    Jordan likes the rp too  and this thread

     jiggy resize for me ?

  13. Some androids can't see your emojisApple ftw

    Next time when I'm not here?You'll have to do it by yourself :)
    It's easy
    When you see the code:
     [IMG] URL [/IMG] 
    Change it to imgfit:
     [imgfit] URL [/imgfit] 
  14. Ehhh I'm growing old :cry: You're too fast JoJo :lol:
  15.  thanks to both of you 
  16. :lol: you're not old to me just slow :D
  17. No problem
  18. Well it would've been hilarious
  19. Would have been another pointless thread.
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