Guide To Posting Pictures

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Meagan, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Bump for Eve
  2. [​IMG][/url] [/img]
  3. Y dosent it work
  4. [​IMG][/url][/IMG]
    Testing :S
  5. ?lol.
  6. Lmao :lol:
  7. Completely updated
  8. Very nice
  9. 
  10. Testing 1,2,3

  11. Ack.. Its huge?
  12. [​IMG]

    I wonder if its still huge
  13. That's a lot of steps for no reason in that guide.

    1)Make an account on imgur or login. (If you don't want to then don't, you can still upload later on)

    2)Go to online-image-editor and upload your picture. Click the resize option. Shrink it down to around 200 width, the height auto adjusts.

    3)Save the picture or open the image in a new window.

    4)Go to imgur and copy the link of the image or upload it from the gallery.

    5) After its finished uploading, click the box where it says "link" and a window will pop up , click BBcode, and then copy the code and paste it on the forums as is.

    And voila, Done. Finished!

    (That's how I do it and you don't have to download any apes, just stay on your browser the whole time.)
  14. Or Apps Even*