Ummmmm what do you do when the pupil of an underpriced tutor has a status along the lines of "Tutors not for sale" and you know that if you ask, they will not respond and instead get a friend or climate to bump that tutor. Great post BTW. ? I'm thinking about posting one of my secrets for trading smaller tuts (under 150 bil) since I haven't used it in a while.
I'm my opinion, you should hire anyway. Whats there to worry about? No player belongs to another and if they want to keep their tuts below the average market price, then they are at risk of someone else hiring.
Great guide Chloe ,, your becoming a forum God ., Took me forever to find this post I'm a total noob of forums
My Tuts are always for sale, I search for the highest stats possible, and all are typically considered UnderPriced. Keep my tuts in mind, especially when looking for tuts to hire.