 War 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by --KitKat-, Jun 3, 2015.

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  1. It's a shame your dtw
  2. Me ?
  3. *you're
  5. That moment when I'm full and I don't have any hits ?
  6. Ok that would be great
  7. Me ?
  8. So this war is basically a lbh for a cat next o_O I'll still probably jump in but still
  9. I'm confused the club that I am dropping the cat in is not my current club and I will be dropping that cat everyone from that club can come it's used as a prize we don't need and lbh
  10. I wanna join war...475 kcs here...

  11. Half true ??
  12. I am in, CCBC here...
  13. iGotTrillions
    he's annoying so don't put him on my side.
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