What about making babies, being pregnant, having labor pain and delivery raising babies, then family planning .....phew a few more things etc
Nice tthread Matt. but i nvr got in pimd relationship before nor used it nor never will use that rs button.. So this thread cures my curiosity very well what behind 'pimd rs dating' is
I click on date, Motel for instant full regen using 15ecs.however, after i unload,my strength n intell bar did not instantly regen full.in fact it regen as per norm every 5mins lil by lil
My rs relationship he's been trying to send me ecs but it says we have to wait 3 days relationship has to be 3 days old
Someone might have already asked but if the instant full regens isn't timed does that mean it has unlimited time??? Or do you buy that date when you and your RS are out of energy and it instantly refills it for that one time?
This thread needs an update. I've been playing for about 3 months on an Android (if that matters) and I've yet to be able to send ecs. I don't believe that's something you can do anymore. But the rest was helpful, thank you.