War of Seasons

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BigHer0, Mar 8, 2014.

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  1. ? hmmm really old player sending me kissy face and requesting to be on my side.  Wrong Alice. A) I'm not British B) I'm not an old player. I'm not Wonderland Alice.

     But if you'd still like to know, noob Alice is going to be on the Spring side. Unless winter seems to have a lower stats or less people.
  2. I'll sign up.
    -enter my stats here- I'll probably upgrade from then, anyways.
  3. I know you arent aliceinwonderland

    I was asking which side you were going to be on because you posted thread which i would assume means that you are warring and you didnt post which side you were going to be on
  4. I don't really care which sides, maybe winter.Whichever side will balance the stats out
  5. /).(\ oh... What side I'm on didn't seem that important
  6. I'll join? not gonna bother posting stats because I'm gonna ug. I'll be on the spring to summer side, I need some warm weather here.?
  7. Crystal is on the opposite team, I want to hit her.. Like I used to B)
  8. Winter


    Philly 
  9. Put me on winter actually, 820kcs
  10. I'm in either side is fine 1.2mcs
  11. Put me down on the wait list. I'll need to check if I'm off that day or not.

    Whichever side has fewer members.
  12. I'll be winter ️
  13. Either side.
    will ug at least once by then.
    ~260kcs at the moment
  14. Oh I forgot my stats ? I may ug by then, but currently 1.5mcs.
  15. Fall to Winter of course!
  16.  Okay Jopo and Red. That's pretty much what I plan to do with anyone who doesn't pick a side. I'll simply place on whatever side your stats help balance things out. ? Thanks to everyone signing up, can't wait for more to.
  17. Lcbc. Winter side.
  18. 150k cs by then spring into summer
  19. Fall to Winter ; currently 473kcs but will most likely to ug
  20. Sign me up
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