War of Seasons

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BigHer0, Mar 8, 2014.

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  1. Spring into Summer Roster

    Im-BAD-AtPhillingYouUp: 80kcs
    t03z: 1.3mcs
    -TBD_iPrinLikeMyKissesDownLow-: 1.8mcs
    -Lil-LovelyNoodles: 204kcs
    Fallen Angel: 272kcs
    -Carebear_Crystal-Sparrow-: 316kcs
    A51-UltimatePwnage-: 150kcs
    C4-Bomb: 600kcs
    Afif-_-: 1mcs
    -LondzyDiablo-: 1.8kcs
    -China_Doll-: 1mcs
    Psf-mike-Psf: 510kcs
    Duckies-On-Quack: 162kcs
    STD_Lexi-: 149kcs (upgrading)
    -AD_IKittyWillBeInUrNewsfeed_: 1.2kcs
    Yhardie: 1.8mcs
    -WHOSYOURBOYTOY-: 160kcs
    jhean_0813: 140kcs
    Tweak_The_Badly_Influenced: 1.8mcs
    STD_Sempiternal-Berry: 260kcs
    Imagine: 212kcs
    iCegaL: 518kcs
    PE-ILykon_TheGiantWhalezilla: 222kcs
    --MizNatie--: 579kcs
    BCA-_-Rodney-_: 146kcs
    M4GN1F1C3NT_SP1C3Y: 1.2mcs
    IXI-Lord_FaZe-IXI: 120kcs
    Flying-Fish: 100kcs
    --TheAlmightyPheonix--: 254kcs
    _-iJustine_HawaiianBeauty-_: 1.8mcs
    -FWR-_YoGirl_RidesMy_Vibe_-: 182kcs
    -GzC-ImSexyAndIKnowIt: 124kcs
    _Dusk_: 111kcs
    _Midnight-Tyrannosaurus_: 52kcs
    SpecialMan: 146kcs
    HaterAreMyMotivators: 480kcs
    LittleStrawberry: 162kcs
    -COS_Devil-: 1.5mcsv
    __--_--R---U-_-S---S_--__: 1.3mcs
    Bizkut: 386kcs
    -EViL-IEricAdoreMyLovedOnes-: 84kcs
    Q_B-mymaccasAreAmazingg: 94kcs
    -LNS-ItchyTriggerFinger: 1.5mcs
    F34R_TH3S0UL_MURD3R3R-: 1.8mcs
    swatrulzz: 126kcs
    _Nath_: 384kcs
    GustavoFrings: 308kcs
    Handsomehunk: 197kcs (upgrading)
    TurtleCherrySquirtle: 92kcs
    EliteRanger: 228kcs
    SerenadeHarmony: 61kcs
    AwesomelyBrattyPeach: 1.5mcs
    -VisionaryReaper-: 417kcs
    -_A_-Raven_The_Bad_Influence: 1.8mcs
    Rinagirl: 122kcs
    -e-Attique-: 1.8mcs
    -SIN-iBuckeye-Love-Joy: 1.8mcs
    -AD_Deaf_Boy_Ty-: 1.1mcs
    B-BrOwnSkinHuNnieBuNzZz: 66kcs
    Mr-Joni: 1.8mcs
    -CMG-Kratos-: 1.8mcs
    -EViL-Dr_Greenthumb: 1.7mcs
    Wandering-_-Sin-HellzGodOfFire: 1.7mcs
    -SIN-SWEET-Katie-KylesBeauty-: 932kcs (upgrading)
    -SIN-Kyle-KatiesBeast-: 1.8mcs
    -SIN-SWEET-HellzFallenKimmi-: 1.8mcs
    -Sin-Sweet-iJoy-Love-Buckey: 1.8mcs
    Mikeleleli: 1mcs
    PE-I_LoveWhenHeOnHisKnees: 536kcs
    -vVv-_Sweet_Tooth: 368kcs
    -SIN-Jakester: 1mcs
    MissySays-ShutupAndKissMe-: 1.8mcs
    jtucker1993: 819kcs
    the_best_of_the_best: 206kcs
    CanISlytherinBedWithYou: 303kcs
    xXJavierJimenezXx: 116kcs
    BS-SexyCougar-: 126kcs
    Queen_of_BS-hurricane_keds-: 1.8mcs
    SVG-TheFaLLenMeanMsIoana: 200kcs
    TheAfghan_G--Hyro: 1.8mcs
    Snake_Eyes-: 495kcs
    -AD_Thor-: 1.8mcs
    00_Rio: 1.5mcs
    Passion: 1.1mcs
    -T_L-Emoji: 268kcs
    ItalianaJenni: 236kcs
    iWardenWhipzMyJeffy: 1.8mcs
    -iNikkiMoshes-: 468kcs
    -_A_-to-_Z_-: 400kcs
    ForeverAlice: 84kcs
    Ja24mes: 860kcs
    PE-OldSchoolTuck: 1.8mcs
    -AOC-Chicana: 1.8mcs
    FollowThat: 212kcs

    97 total
  2. ? I'll do a recount. But atm we have 6 spots open, 3 on each side.
  3. Make that 5 spots
  4. Summer :) wherever icegal there I go 
  5.  what about me
  6. I wanna join the spring to summer side plz
  7. Spring into Summer Roster

    Im-BAD-AtPhillingYouUp: 80kcs
    t03z: 1.3mcs
    -TBD_iPrinLikeMyKissesDownLow-: 1.8mcs
    -Lil-LovelyNoodles: 204kcs
    Fallen Angel: 272kcs
    -Carebear_Crystal-Sparrow-: 316kcs
    A51-UltimatePwnage-: 150kcs
    C4-Bomb: 600kcs
    Afif-_-: 1mcs
    -LondzyDiablo-: 1.8kcs
    -China_Doll-: 1mcs
    Psf-mike-Psf: 510kcs
    Duckies-On-Quack: 162kcs
    STD_Lexi-: 149kcs (upgrading)
    -AD_IKittyWillBeInUrNewsfeed_: 1.2kcs
    Yhardie: 1.8mcs
    -WHOSYOURBOYTOY-: 160kcs
    jhean_0813: 140kcs
    Tweak_The_Badly_Influenced: 1.8mcs
    STD_Sempiternal-Berry: 260kcs
    Imagine: 212kcs
    iCegaL: 518kcs
    PE-ILykon_TheGiantWhalezilla: 222kcs
    --MizNatie--: 579kcs
    BCA-_-Rodney-_: 146kcs
    M4GN1F1C3NT_SP1C3Y: 1.2mcs
    IXI-Lord_FaZe-IXI: 120kcs
    Flying-Fish: 100kcs
    --TheAlmightyPheonix--: 254kcs
    _-iJustine_HawaiianBeauty-_: 1.8mcs
    -FWR-_YoGirl_RidesMy_Vibe_-: 182kcs
    -GzC-ImSexyAndIKnowIt: 124kcs
    _Dusk_: 111kcs
    _Midnight-Tyrannosaurus_: 52kcs
    SpecialMan: 146kcs
    HaterAreMyMotivators: 480kcs
    LittleStrawberry: 162kcs
    -COS_Devil-: 1.5mcsv
    __--_--R---U-_-S---S_--__: 1.3mcs
    Bizkut: 386kcs
    -EViL-IEricAdoreMyLovedOnes-: 84kcs
    Q_B-mymaccasAreAmazingg: 94kcs
    -LNS-ItchyTriggerFinger: 1.5mcs
    F34R_TH3S0UL_MURD3R3R-: 1.8mcs
    swatrulzz: 126kcs
    _Nath_: 384kcs
    GustavoFrings: 308kcs
    Handsomehunk: 197kcs (upgrading)
    TurtleCherrySquirtle: 92kcs
    EliteRanger: 228kcs
    SerenadeHarmony: 61kcs
    AwesomelyBrattyPeach: 1.5mcs
    -VisionaryReaper-: 417kcs
    -_A_-Raven_The_Bad_Influence: 1.8mcs
    Rinagirl: 122kcs
    -e-Attique-: 1.8mcs
    -SIN-iBuckeye-Love-Joy: 1.8mcs
    -AD_Deaf_Boy_Ty-: 1.1mcs
    B-BrOwnSkinHuNnieBuNzZz: 66kcs
    Mr-Joni: 1.8mcs
    -CMG-Kratos-: 1.8mcs
    -EViL-Dr_Greenthumb: 1.7mcs
    Wandering-_-Sin-HellzGodOfFire: 1.7mcs
    -SIN-SWEET-Katie-KylesBeauty-: 932kcs (upgrading)
    -SIN-Kyle-KatiesBeast-: 1.8mcs
    -SIN-SWEET-HellzFallenKimmi-: 1.8mcs
    -Sin-Sweet-iJoy-Love-Buckey: 1.8mcs
    Mikeleleli: 1mcs
    PE-I_LoveWhenHeOnHisKnees: 536kcs
    -vVv-_Sweet_Tooth: 368kcs
    -SIN-Jakester: 1mcs
    MissySays-ShutupAndKissMe-: 1.8mcs
    jtucker1993: 819kcs
    the_best_of_the_best: 206kcs
    CanISlytherinBedWithYou: 303kcs
    xXJavierJimenezXx: 116kcs
    BS-SexyCougar-: 126kcs
    Queen_of_BS-hurricane_keds-: 1.8mcs
    SVG-TheFaLLenMeanMsIoana: 200kcs
    TheAfghan_G--Hyro: 1.8mcs
    Snake_Eyes-: 495kcs
    -AD_Thor-: 1.8mcs
    00_Rio: 1.5mcs
    Passion: 1.1mcs
    -T_L-Emoji: 268kcs
    ItalianaJenni: 236kcs
    iWardenWhipzMyJeffy: 1.8mcs
    -iNikkiMoshes-: 468kcs
    -_A_-to-_Z_-: 400kcs
    ForeverAlice: 84kcs
    Ja24mes: 860kcs
    PE-OldSchoolTuck: 1.8mcs
    -AOC-Chicana: 1.8mcs
    FollowThat: 212kcs
    iamronit: 372kcs
    Callieana: 60kcs

    99 total
  8. Fall into Winter Roster

    iPogostickYair: 129kcs
    -Immortals-Ireland-: 74kcs
    JustLovely: 1.5mcs
    Jesus: 26kcs
    KusattaTaion: 473kcs (upgrading)
    Haxious: 454kcs (upgrading)
    BeautifulMessHas-BAD-Attitude: 408kcs
    CharlotteAnne: 1.8mcs
    ZEN_NieFeng: 255kcs (upgrading)
    _cheez_: 326 kcs (upgrading)
    -EViL-JenniAndPassionsSlave: 1.8mcs
    Wonderland: 1.7mcs (upgrading)
    RedPeacock: 106kcs
    IKittenSorasBeautifulPrincess: 247kcs
    RS_iSmash_KairisDashingPrince: 1.8mcs
    KissMyAss22: 1.8mcs
    abby7475: 1.8mcs
    IceShardz: 1.8mcs
    Rainebow: 1.8mcs
    Jihi: 1.8mcs
    Slacky_LOVE_PiePie: 1.7mcs
    Laffin_While_Eye_Farm_You: 1.2mcs
    Nene_B: 1.6mcs
    Fishyfishaaay: 1.1mcs
    Fiishy_SwimsWithHerDory: 120kcs
    TroyMcclure: 104kcs
    Angel_de_la_muerta: 87kcs
    Dewzle: 1.6mcs
    -_FWR-_-Emanon_StuckOnHerLips_-: 662kcs (upgrading)
    -TDL-AjTheBoss_Blahh: 389kcs
    STD_DoraTheCornerWorka: 333kcs (upgrading)
    Xx_RoD_xX-FuzzyWuzzyTeddyBear: 369kcs
    --THE_HAMMER--: 146kcs
    -Klassified_VanillaSparkles-: 640kcs
    -LNS-TheOfficialWebby: 111kcs
    -D_G-ChompifiedWhaleMarsItUp: 578kcs
    RS_Luminosity: 1.8mcs
    0_Den: 54kcs
    -B4D-IlIIXIlIIDennisIlIIXIllI: 117kcs
    iMattSmacksTinasAss: 68kcs
    -iOldRoshi_YourRpMaster-: 1.8mcs
    VIl_SuperBirdy_lII: 155kcs and upgrading
    -Blizzard: 220kcs
    -BCS-Snowball: 1.6mcs
    CrystalGee: 1.1mcs
    -BAD-WhompNUrNewsfeed: 1.6mcs
    _-Brian_-: 1.8mcs
    -Redneck_Princess-: 390kcs
    WhereIsMyIceCream: 1.8mcs
    PhoebeCleoVince: 368kcs
    dollqueen: 362kcs
    _W-A_Sunshine_: 1.8mcs
    STD_CannibalKitten: 831kcs (upgrading)
    DescendingNightmare: 84kcs
    iGotYouBabe: 293kcs
    Natsumi40: 100kcs
    Ajatshatru: 1.2mcs
    -Nikki-Radiant_SunFlower-: 543kcs
    RS-iFleur_De_Saison-: 1.7mcs
    RS_JADAhasMyHeart: 1.8mcs
    Z44ky: 1.7mcs
    AnnoyingLittlePest: 68kcs
    BabyPooh5: 1.5mcs
    potatopoteto: 418kcs
    -_A_-Excuses: 870kcs (upgrading)
    TwerkSessionOrNah: 147kcs (upgrading)
    JustJakey: 1.8mcs
    DevilofDeath: 1.8mcs
    -AC-TheAlphaWolf-: 200kcs (upgrading)
    DE-MistressOfDeath: 1.8mcs
    -BCS-iJheLLe-: 1.7mcs
    Celine456: 275kcs
    CrazyRed: 1.2mcs
    -CiaraViciousTasteTheIce-: 1.8mcs
    -Blazer-: 400kcs
    -SIN-Zeus-the-bear: 440kcs
    R--oyale-Ashy_make-U-Roa--R: 1.8mcs
    chris-smoove2: 169kcs
    R--oyale_Ashy-make-Leon-Roa--R: 1.8mcs
    -Kris_L_Nat-: 1.3mcs
    -S4T4N_TH3_S0UL_ST34L3R-: 1.5mcs
    Zoony: 378kcs
    Maddilicious: 464kcs
    MadameBewbs: 1.8mcs
    HashTagYoloSweg: 1.8mcs
    Tomol: 1.8mcs
    R--Rii_The_Lil_oL-No0B--R: 1.8mcs
    K1ller_Young_Gun_Chris_rell1k: 534kcs
    -MvP-Laffin-Ceeho-: 1.5mcs
    Naughty_and_Delicious: 1.6mcs
    -SIN-SWEET-KEKE: 1.8mcs
    -NTL-RespectAllFearNone: 1.8mcs

    98 total
  9. Plz reserve a spot for jaguma on winter side. He will be ug to minimum at least by then. Thank you
  10.  Can you get him to post on the thread? That'd be great.
  11. Winter please
  12.  One unreserved spot left on the winter side.
  13. R--IamSu_
    Winter Side
  14. R--IamSu-*
  15. ATTENTION!!!!

    ️ As of now anyone who registers for the war will be put on a wait list ️

    Upgrading is still allowed up until the 25th of March, failure to comply may result in you being kicked off the roster

     Please notify me of any and all name changes 

     Please notify me prior to war day if you will not be able to make it. 

    ️ If you are unable to make it to the war, you WILL be replaced by someone on the wait list ️

     Thank you all for your continued patience and cooperation.
  16.  It's a bb code fail!!!! 
  17. I am NeNe_B but I should have that name back before war.
  18.  Okay NeNe
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