War of Seasons

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BigHer0, Mar 8, 2014.

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  1. Winter

    RS-iFleur_De_Saison- 1.7mcs
    RS_JADAhasMyHeart 1.8mcs
    Z44ky 1.7mcs
  2. I'd like to join the Winter team please.
  3. ️? my main says it all!
  4. 85kcs winter pleaseeee but I don't really mind
  5. Another thread will be made on the 27th (the day sign ups end) with the final roster

    The last day to upgrade will be the 25th.

    Reminders will be sent out on the 15th, 20th, 25th, 27th, and 29th
  6. Spring into Summer Roster

    t03z: 1.3mcs
    -TBD_iPrinLikeMyKissesDownLow-: 1.8mcs
    -Lil-LovelyNoodles: 204kcs
    Fallen Angel: 272kcs
    -Carebear_Crystal-Sparrow-: 316kcs
    A51-UltimatePwnage-: 150kcs
    C4-Bomb: 600kcs
    Afif-_-: 1mcs
    -LondzyDiablo-: 1.8kcs
    -China_Doll-: 1mcs
    Psf-mike-Psf: 510kcs
    Duckies-On-Quack: 162kcs
    STD_Lexi-: 149kcs (upgrading)
    -AD_IKittyWillBeInUrNewsfeed_: 1.2kcs
    Yhardie: 1.8mcs
    -WHOSYOURBOYTOY-: 160kcs
    jhean_0813: 140kcs
    CrazyRed: 1.2mcs
    -EViL-JenniAndPassionsSlave: 1.7mcs
    STD_Sempiternal-Berry: 260kcs
    Imagine: 212kcs
    iCegaL: 518kcs
    PE-ILykon_TheGiantWhalezilla: 222kcs
    --MizNatie--: 579kcs
    BCA-_-Rodney-_: 146kcs
    SpicyBRY_ingsAllDaBoys2TheYard: 1.2mcs
    IXI-Lord_FaZe-IXI: 120kcs
    Flying-Fish: 100kcs
    RS_MotorCityPheonix: 227kcs
    Torrian: 60kcs
    _-iJustine_HawaiianBeauty-_: 1.8mcs
    -FWR-_YoGirl_RidesMy_Vibe_-: 182kcs
    -GzC-ImSexyAndIKnowIt: 124kcs
    _Dusk_: 111kcs
    _Midnight-Tyrannosaurus_: 52kcs
    SpecialMan: 146kcs
    HaterAreMyMotivators: 400kcs
    LittleStrawberry: 162kcs
    -COS_Devil-: 1.5mcs
    __--_--R---U-_-S---S_--__: 1.3mcs
    Bizkut: 386kcs
    -EViL-IEricAdoreMyLovedOnes-: 84kcs
    Q_B-mymaccasAreAmazingg: 94kcs
    -LNS-ItchyTriggerFinger: 1.5mcs
    F34R_TH3S0UL_MURD3R3R-: 1.8mcs
    swatrulzz: 126kcs
    _Nath_: 384kcs
    GustavoFrings: 308kcs
    Handsomehunk: 197kcs (upgrading)
    TurtleCherrySquirtle: 92kcs
    EliteRanger: 228kcs
    SerenadeHarmony: 61kcs
    AwesomelyBrattyPeach: 1.5mcs
    -VisionaryReaper-: 417kcs
    R--Rii_The_Lil_oL-No0B--R: 1.8mcs
    Rinagirl: 122kcs
    -e-Attique-: 1.8mcs
    -Immortals-Ireland-: 74kcs
    -SIN-SWEET-KEKE: 1.8mcs
    -SIN-iBuckeye-Love-Joy: 1.8mcs
    -AD_Deaf_Boy_Ty-: 1.1mcs
    B-BrOwnSkinHuNnieBuNzZz: 66kcs
    Mr-Joni: 1.8mcs
    -CMG-Kratos-: 1.8mcs
    -EViL-Dr_Greenthumb: 1.7mcs
    Wandering-_-Sin-HellzGodOfFire: 1.7mcs
    -SIN-SWEET-Katie-KylesBeauty-: 932kcs (upgrading)
    -SIN-Kyle-KatiesBeast-: 1.8mcs
    -SIN-SWEET-HellzFallenKimmi-: 1.8mcs
    Mikeleleli: 1mcs
    HashTagYoloSweg: 1.8mcs
    -SIN-Jakester: 1mcs
  7. Fall into Winter Roster

    iPogostickYair: 129kcs
    Im-BAD-AtPhillingYouUp: 80kcs
    jtucker1993: 819kcs
    -_A_-Raven_The_Bad_Influence: 1.8mcs
    JustLovely: 1.5mcs
    Jesus: 26kcs
    KusattaTaion: 473kcs (upgrading)
    Haxious: 454kcs (upgrading)
    BeautifulMessHas-BAD-Attitude: 408kcs
    CharlotteAnne: 1.8mcs
    ZEN_NieFeng: 255kcs (upgrading)
    _cheez_: 326 kcs (upgrading)
    Tweak_The_Badly_Influenced: 1.8mcs
    Wonderland: 1.7mcs (upgrading)
    RedPeacock: 106kcs
    IKittenSorasBeautifulPrincess: 247kcs
    RS_iSmash_KairisDashingPrince: 1.8mcs
    KissMyAss22: 1.8mcs
    abby7475: 1.8mcs
    IceShardz: 1.8mcs
    Rainebow: 1.8mcs
    Jihi: 1.8mcs
    R--oyale_Slack__Force________: 1.7mcs
    Laffin_While_Eye_Farm_You: 1.2mcs
    Nene_B: 1.6mcs
    Fishyfishaaay: 1.1mcs
    Fiishy_SwimsWithHerDory: 120kcs
    TroyMcclure: 104kcs
    Angel_de_la_muerta: 87kcs
    Dewzle: 1.6mcs
    -_FWR-_-Emanon_StuckOnHerLips_-: 662kcs (upgrading)
    -TDL-AjTheBoss_Blahh: 389kcs
    STD_IntrinsicBeauty: 240kcs (upgrading)
    Xx_RoD_xX-FuzzyWuzzyTeddyBear: 369kcs
    --THE_HAMMER--: 146kcs
    -Klassified_VanillaSparkles-: 640kcs
    -LNS-TheOfficialWebby: 111kcs
    -D_G-ChompifiedWhaleMarsItUp: 578kcs
    RS_Luminosity: 1.8mcs
    0_Den: 54kcs
    -B4D-IlIIXIlIIDennisIlIIXIllI: 117kcs
    iMattSmacksTinasAss: 68kcs
    -_A_-to-_Z_-: 400kcs
    -iOldRoshi_YourRpMaster-: 1.8mcs
    VIl_SuperBirdy_lII: 155kcs and upgrading
    -HFL-iMyraAmJacobsSin: 119kcs
    -HFL-iJacobAmMyrasSaviour: 74kcs
    -Blizzard: 220kcs
    -BCS-Snowball: 1.6mcs
    CrystalGee: 1.1mcs
    -BAD-WhompNUrNewsfeed: 1.6mcs
    _-Brian_-: 1.8mcs
    -Redneck_Princess-: 390kcs
    WhereIsMyIceCream: 1.8mcs
    PhoebeCleoVince: 368kcs
    dollqueen: 362kcs
    _W-A_Sunshine_: 1.8mcs
    STD_CannibalKitten: 831kcs (upgrading)
    DescendingNightmare: 84kcs
    iGotYouBabe: 293kcs
    An47gel: 100kcs
    Natsumi40: 100kcs
    Ajatshatru: 1.2mcs
    MissySays-ShutupAndKissMe-: 1.8mcs
    RS-iFleur_De_Saison-: 1.7mcs
    RS-JADAhasMyHeart: 1.8mcs
    Z44ky: 1.7mcs
  8. I wish to war? Winter side pls. 68kcs.
  9.  I'm probably going to close the thread early, I didn't realize it would be this successful.
  10. Why?? You should only close it when the number of people reaches 100, there's still space!
  11. Tweak Raven and I are switching from winter to summer
  12.  I'm saying the total number of people is nearing 200 and it might make it to 200 before the 27th.
  13. What?! WHY?!
  14. Oh, I see. Well then yeah it's a good idea to close the thread when it hits 200.
  15. Put me on Pun's side
  16.  Ummm spitfire... For me to put you on Pun's side... Pun has to war.
  17. 543kcs
    ...I'm partial to Winter..but I love Spring too. Just put me on whichever side I'm needed! I'll probably ug..I'll repost if so! 
  18. You should stop it at 250 Alice. 50 People as back up in case someome cant war
  19. Summer
    I wanna join, Im about 206kcs I think? But I'll be upgrading soon
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