 PimD's ~ The Bachelor 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Player11171305, Jul 5, 2013.

  1.  this topic is intresting haha wonder who would be the five bachelor's in the end
  2.  THE END ! Awsmee
  3. The votes where closed ages Ago some ignorant people around 
  4. All 55 pages of the pilot episode
  5. Bump for Corey
  6.  Bump for puffykins
  7. What a great opening epi xD
  8. And this is what boredom leads to...  But it's cute. I like it. 
  9.  thank you.
  10. HOLY FUCK! This had 550 posts?
  11. 552. ? Badassery. Or maybe all of PiMD was bored that day to
  12. 
  13. bump for i guess i will since im all packed
  14. Oh my god what a time
    Ricecakes likes this.
  15. I wanna play this. Someone else take on the role of directing it
    ForeverAlice likes this.
  16. This was so funny 😂😂😂
    ForeverAlice likes this.
  17. 😂😂😂