 PimD's ~ The Bachelor 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Player11171305, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. -MR_FR33ZEGets my vote
  2. gazzzap_me sorry wrong spelling the first time.
  3. I vote for Gazzap_me woot woot he's awesome
  4. 31 votes.. ftw! And LOL gazz.. How many rps have you offered? 
  5. Scarps_needs_rehab gets my vote
  6. Gazzzap_me gets my vote 
  7.  I'm sorry I love the tutu's

     I have Lois in leather as my screen saver actually  just kidding

    Or am I 
  8. Gaz gets my vote. Do I have to write his full name cause I'm to lazy to do that 
  9. Gazzzap_me 
  10. He offered me dv and pics of him in a purple tutu if I get more people to vote for him so vote for gazzzap people! 
  11. Gazzzap_me
  12. ? Well then. We know who's definitely gonna be a finalist.
  13. And here is a picture of me if I were on the bachelor
  14. Scarp_Needs_Rehab
  15. I nominate Bdnbintz to be a bachelor!
  16.   HAWK 
  17. I vote BDNbintz pimd bachelor. Themost awesome pimd girls hang out at his club.
  18. i vote for bdnbintz haha awsome guys :):)
  19. Sounds so interesting.. :)