 PimD's ~ The Bachelor 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Player11171305, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. I vote for my sexeh friend Maton. 
  2. i nominate the sexiest guy on pimd Gazzap_me 
  3. I'm pretty sure he's already going to win but I vote for fazzap_me after that dv and rp he gave me. Best unicorn rp everrr xD
  4. Scarp_needs_rehab ?
  5. Voting for BDNBintz
  6. I win. When do we start fucking bitches?
  7. I nominate my pupil gazzzap_me 
  8. I'll also vote for warrior
  9. I vote for GAZZ?????
  10. I am voting for BDNBintz
  11. You're kidding me, right Cherry? ,_, An ad in WC...? ._. DAMN VOTES!
  12. Due to the announcement in the Immortals CC, My vote is for gazz. 
    I hope I've pleased the mighty CA. 

  13. 
  14. I nominate RS_Jetboy lol
  15. Scarp_needs_rehab brother needs to find love  im rootin fo u bro