That's the idea scarp. All further details as to what you will be doing will be put in the upcoming thread.
I second Nikki's nomination for Gazzzap_Me although i feel it may be best to allow him a harem of pimd girlfriends as opposed to just one. He enjoys extra sappy love stuff and long walks on the beach.He will also dv for good rp. Best pupil/pimd lover ever ladies
Gazz and dr proctor are definitely gettin my votes! And Brit -Immortals-Mai- As well as BadEpiForLife ? don't farm me
Please don't vote for the same person twice. Also, no more girls are needed! Thank you all for your help! _____________________________________ Due to the flood of votes coming in and we have decided to close the votes early. 12AM EST TONIGHT! Thank you all and don't forget to vote before we request lock to start on the actual game thread!
? Ignore all comments about Gazzzap. He won't do anything other potential bachelors are doing. Let's not mess with him too much, he can still drop if he wishes.