Guys, just so you know, Start of Something Good by HollyS has been remade and she will be updating soon!
I saw three of your posts, each on different stories I think that's really sweet, to make the effort to help Holly, but do remember that some writers don't like advertisements on their stories.
No, it's okay I used to write, before school started and I didn't have time to write anything But as an author, I disliked having advertisements on my stories. I felt it was a distraction. Anyway, I appreciate you helping Holly Thanks for helping to make FF a more 'fanfic-y' place
Deadly Sin- Surprise Update I awoke to the light smell of herbs meeting my nostrils. Sitting up, I found myself in Ian's bed yet again. I couldn't bring myself to feel embarrassed, though. Too many things were happening at once. I gratefully took the hot cup of tea sitting on the bedside table, and drank it until it was gone. It was refreshing, and delicious of course. No doubt Ian took the time to make it. I hopped out of bed, and checked the calendar. Monday. I turned to the door, only to notice my school uniform hanging from the back of the desk chair. I guessed school would actually help me take my mind off of things. I quickly changed, and brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush I found in the bathroom that was still in the packaging. Walking down the stairs, I saw Ian waiting by the door in his usual work clothes. He half smiled, handing me my messenger bag with his free hand. Susan leaned against the wall with a blank expression, looking me over. "…thanks." I muttered, gratefully taking my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. Ian picked up his briefcase, opening the front door. "The tea was great, by the way." I added, trying to make conversation. Ian's smile brightened, and he chuckled lightly. "I didn't make the tea today. It was Susan." "O-oh…" I apologetically looked at Susan, biting my lip nervously. "Thank you." She nodded, understanding what I meant, and almost smiled, before shaking her head and walking into the sitting room. Ian escorted me to his car, opening the passenger door for me before walking to his side. "She likes you, you know." he said, starting the engine. "Had me fooled." I sighed, and he placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure you want to go to school today? It's perfectly fine if you don't." his eyes shimmered with worry, and my cheeks reddened. I made no attempt to look away, though. I think I was getting used to the fact that Ian Hall made me blush all the time. "I'm positive." I said, giving him a reassuring smile, before turning my gaze out the window. I focused on watching the other cars pass us, before Ian pulled into the teacher parking lot. We were earlier than I was used to, since he had to be there before the students. I grabbed for the car door handle, but his voice stopped me. "Persephone?" "…what is it?" I asked, turning back to face him. Ian's expression was the epitome of forlorn, and he reached out, stroking my cheek with his hand. "Just… promise me you'll be careful." he whispered, his voice cracking ever so slightly. "I promise…" I said, concern flooding my tone. He was acting differently, like I was about to walk into a war zone, with nothing to protect me but a binder and a dull protractor. Ian lightly kissed my forehead, before he released me, his hand returning to his side. I waved tenatively, before exiting the car, and walking into the building. Students were trickling into the halls, some there early for a before school club, others to get extra help. Of course, there were the few who just liked getting to school early, walking around aimlessly until the bell rang. "…!" I was jolted out of my thoughts, watching a girl fall to the floor. I had walked into her, and she lost her balance. Usually, I would've walked away, but she looked a bit too… fragile. I noticed she was a new student as well. The girl wiped her medium length brown hair from her hazel eyes, frantically trying to gather her things that were strewn about. "…ah… let me help you…" I mumbled, picking up a few books before handing them back to her. The girl looked up in awe, gratefully taking her things back as she stood up. I was surprised to see she was as tall as I. I was alwaysthe tallest girl in the grade. "T-thank you." "No problem… what's your name?" "Clarissa. And you?" "Persephone." "That's a pretty name." I ended up showing Clarissa to her first class, which we ended up sharing. Ms. Dan greeted her happily, and assigned her the desk on the other side of mine. As the students entered the classroom, Jade walked in, giving me her trademark smile before arching an eyebrow. "Jade, this is Clarissa." I said, nodding back to her. "Heya." she said, shaking her hand before turning back to me. "Isn't it a bit too late for people to enroll?" "Her parents must be loaded for administration to make an exception." I whispered back, lowering my voice as Ms. Dan began the lesson. Clarissa intently took notes, and was completely focused on the work. "She's definitely a scholarship kid. Look at how studious she is!" Jade responded quietly. "She could be rich and smart." I guessed, but Jade shook her head. "That combination is rare." She was right. I absentmindedly drew on my notebook cover, waiting for the bell to ring. Only a few more classes until lunch. And I planned on spending it in math class. --------------------------------------------------- Alrighty. I know what I said. I had this written. All of the updates are just so my stories aren't forgotten . I'll update the others again in a few weeks.