Juicebox, if that was the case they'd increase plunder per hit. As a lot of people keep asking for, to offset the price of pots. At max plunder I make maybe 100k a hit i my opponent has all 6 pots, and I have to use 6th pot as well. I make more from jobs. Instead they bs us with increasing cash earned from jobs (which they didn't even do, like they said they would) and leaving all of us with a dead market and overpriced tutors.
I agree with Michelle and would like to add that if they didn't want ppl to get strong and upgrade they wouldn't have lowered dorm prices they just failed majorly bc now everyone can LC but will never bc Bravo Devs
I just got my reply email back from ata. I know for a fact that they didn't read my email bc there reply didn't touch base on anything that I stated! Well here goes I'll show u what they said. ATA response: Thank you for taking the time to contact us directly. We really do appreciate our fans taking the time to let us know how much they care about the game. Our team is very concerned with the continued success of Party in my Dorm, and we are monitoring player feedback and taking the feedback very seriously. The changes made were difficult decisions for everyone, however we are confident that the changes will benefit the entire community in the long run. We encourage you to be active on the forums, that's where you will get the latest information about PimD and the best place to let your feedback be known. Thanks, A Thinking Ape Support
not good idea alot of ppl had many op tuts before update n everyone got op tuts now! Do u think they could strip all pimd-player?
What about the normal market tuts arb your not dumb u understand what she means. THEY ARE ALL OP AND WILL NEVER SALE THE MARKET IS AT A STALE MATE.
Arb I'm talking about all the tuts that were at market price the day before the update! Not the ones that ppl carelessly made op on there own! It's not fair that we were playing this game then ata decides to make an update that screwed all of us royally I was pretty smart about my tuts and most were at selling price but now ALL are op! Is that fair? No! ATA strip op tuts