I just sent an email voicing my concerns to ata and everyone that signed this thread should also ATA STRIP OP TUTS!
Congrats smexi u just trolled on the thread so i wasn't the only one... Blaming terror for the update and the tutor market its our fault as many people bought credits and op tutors.... If anything we helped the tutor market by keeping tutor prices at price and threatening people who hired them with a farm.... congrats retard..*sigh*
Lol Rocky your the tard that cant read lol She told u to leave the thread for being a troll and u start thinking she told u to quit pimd and start being pervy talking about your and stuff like ppl care Oh and she asked u to leave so it's against the rules for u to even still b here commenting So bye rocky and good luck with your or should i say
What are they going to do silence me^ ??? Was I talking about my stuff like that??? You seem to be more concerned about them then my doctors ? Are u a pedo?
Haha ok let's go!! I'm down! I'm sure you'll fit right in with the rest of the girls there gonna love having a new face around
Well they dont have to be op we can keep selling the tuts at their original prices it dont have to chamge
U guys do understand they don't want the this game to be about buying tutors over n over till u become lcbc right? They made this update so this game will be about fighting like they did with kingdoms at war. Not a social network. They want u to buy tutors so your max plunder will go up and u will make money from fighting with other people. The more tutors u buy the more u will get when u hit somebody. This is what they want u to do. Not sit and volley all day long and talk and giggle till u get to lcbc. Then once lcbc u volley other people and talk n giggle and blow kisses till they are lcbc. They want u guys to have wars. They want the tutors to make u strong for war. The same things have happened in ATA's other games and we have all spent money ( our own money) and u continue on and find the next loophole till they cut it out of the next update. Here's a thought, everyone buy tutors, reach max plunder, then have pw's all day long. This is what kaw did till they eliminated pw's. Which they have not done here yet. And if u want to bc one person reall quick then u hold pw and then boot everyone at the end so he gets all the tax for him/herself. Sorry so long but the griping is becoming unbearable.
Don't strip the tutors. Adjust all the tutor prices instead! yes i will be at a major loss with the ones I currently have but at least the money that I currently have in game will have more value. OR STRIP ALL THE TUTORS AT THEIR CURREBT VALUE, ADJUST ALL PRICES IMMEDIATELY AFTER AND THEN REPLACE ALL THE TUTORS TO THEIR LAST OWNERS BEFORE STRIP. OUR ACCOUNTS WILL SEE THE DIFFERENCE, WE WILL HAVE MORE MONEY, PROPER PRICED TUTORS, OUR TB BACK AND MORE MONEY TO USE ON OTHER TUTORS IN THE MARKET. that would be fair.