️ Wedding War w/ Multiple Wives? 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by YureiNozomi, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. 5 wives oh Jesus haha way to go ken
  2. Kate... Happy belated birthday... I'll send you a stripper gram 
  3. See which one will give you the biggest dvp ?
  4. ?can I say I told you so at that point?

    ?you're ridiculous?

    Hope you sign a prenuptial agreement. I have a feeling you are going to be taken to the cleaners.
  5. Who are the other mistress candidates?

    Whoever gets the closest to the number of divorces will get 1T DVP. YUS, life is complete.
  6. I have no intention of being a candidate. I'm just the mistress. 
  7. War tournament between the brides seems like the best way to gogood luck
  8. Aww thanks ken but the stripper gram isn't necessary lol
  9. I'm in 1.7m cs sign me up!
  10. Do a wifey tourney. Each wife against each other until 1 is the final winner. Than the ww.
  11. ?Bui is so smart
  12. Ill take 4 of then
  13. Holllla, I misss you, my other pupu!
  14. I think everyone misunderstood me... I want to marry all 5 of them ️
  15. Well you gonna have to have 5 ww then ain't ya fairy boy 
  16. Ok marry all 5 of them.

    Either do one war with all 5 on opp


    5 ww's but you would take each wife's plunder of each said war. Then top wife gets a bigger prize then them all.

    So if you ever have a dw you would need to do one for each new ex wife.
  17. Haha thanks hun...

    I like deadly angel's idea lol
  18. You and your friends against all of them and their friends
  19.  I had to check if this was Xan's 