Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Basically Copy Kaws Round Wars
  2. Eh. I haven't played longer than 2 weeks in law and haven't tried them. Might be, might not be. Grow and you can try them out here.
  3. Nah cholo I'll happily stay in KaW wars 
  4. Il join If I'm not  jokes I'm in as always
  5. You're not allowed <_<
  6. Sorry you don't fit the stat requirement. Eventually I'll be Trying to get a war going between low stats to learn.
  7. Bad luck, Kyle ?
  8. I know pimd is going to shit but don't knock it til you try it.
  9.  Why not saucy? </3 Sami.. Join my side or il fail farm you 
  10. I'll be there lol ?
  11. Because … reasons, lol
  12. You're always a target

  13. I don't play kaw so I have no idea what you're talking about
  14. Count me in 
  15. Sign me up <3
  16. ATA will make hunt