Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. I think she's referring to the thread that BASS says he's going to make to post his strips and hits. Correct me if I'm wrong Jedi
  2. I've had a ton of time to build my alt up lol. I'll have it to 1.5mcs by next war.
  3. Lol yea Ruth
  4. Why not a dancer vs attack war then ? All you dance cow builds... U do know a attack build can't pin a Intel build just like a dance can't pin a attack build .... Its all the same but reversed... Lol u guys got a lot to learn ...u pin my attack bar I'm left with forty % Intel left... I make more money and can hit more times with dance than a attack build can to pin... don't be mad cuz you'll build like dance floors 
  5. You're really clueless about game mechanics
  6. OneInch :D miss my fails?
  7. JOSH LOVE  ME!!!

  8. And please buy some defense pots lol. Its funny getting lectures from a guy who has 0 def pots.
  10. a main account even better.
  11. Should be better you are hitting a 1.8mcs account with that account... For shame... But reinforces what I was saying all along... And if you want to know plunder rules on dance builds go to the thread Pimd plunder from 2011  before cat cafe 

  12. Why don't u do a 1-1 or 3-3 system war (fight vs dance) to prove ur maths.ur side,of cos,will do d dances only.
    Arguments cant prove anything unless u put in to trial
  13. He won't. His strategy is to go 1/4 d then sp for 2 hours and talk like he's doing something. He's calling people out to hit him in wc while he sits in an rp club and sp on a party. Great example of his mechanics.
  14. A whole bunch of intel builds would actually be pretty good in a sf situation. But even builds would be useless
  15. If someone has a higher Intelligence than you than you can be prank pinned easily. Learning this the hard way right now. :lol:
  16. Ahah super effectiveee.
  17. ^ its very lovely
  19. I know cholo everyone is stuck on ATTACK is higher plunder do to being able to hit more times... But none took into account with ️inc... After two hits ️inc/out going/ fails UR plunder between Att and dance become he same.. Best plunder for Intel is to dance/prank half then ATTACK half if possible... The argument came about in war... Mixed builds rarely take ️inc why... We usually smaller and pay like crap... But telling me to sit in a war that we are up hits but down plunder and continue to fail fights instead of dancing plunder is ludacris... Intel builds are very effective when used with a ATTACK build.... On a partner follow up... Point being is these guys are so stuck on fight only they've failed to see the uses of other builds... I laugh at azzy and them because my Intel is full... My attack a lil over pin.... And since when did farming become pin ur opponent... Explain that one... Pimd elites... I thought farming ment hitting to grow.... A pattern so to speak ... Were you continuelly milk so the other person can grow off of you... Hence farm? Anybody can pin... Exspecially you big accounts on my mixed build... But don't it make u wonder? How is Jen failing attacks on mini when her ATTACK bar alone is 5Xs the size of bass whole account 