The Better Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AD_C4_Is_The_Bomb_, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Both

    Tea or coffee?
  2. None ?

    Indoors or outdoors
  3. Tea

    Lamb or steak
  4. Indoors and steak

    Flying or boating
  5. Flying

    Gravity powers or super speed
  6. Speed

    Wanna follow me or Naw jade?? ?
  7. Wanna Follow me

    Rp with me or chat with me?
  8. Hmm follow I guess lol

    Pancakes or icecream cake
  9. Chat cause I need friends

    Love me or hate me
  10. ?ayyyyy, didn't get rejected
  11. 

    Superman or Batman
  12. Well that escalated quickly 
  14. Superman

    Dance or sleep
  15. Dance

    Little dog or big dogs
  16. Big dog

    Disney or nick
  17. Nick

    Gold or Silver
  18. ? silver the color

    ? stripes or polka dots
  19. Mac

    Navy or popular?
  20. Strips


    Like or hate me