The Better Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AD_C4_Is_The_Bomb_, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Both.

    Be raped by a homosexual or be a homosexual.

    (nothing wrong with homos)
  2. Be a...homo

    Get killed by flies or mosquitoes??
  3. Second one cuz I am one

    Kill the person who made this question or make them suffer?
  4. Azi - Neither. Urgh. No disrespect towards homosexuals 
  5. Bear and Fox - Neither 
  6. Naruto or Kiba? 

    Chloe or bearniey? 
  8. Bearniey

    I'm not bearniey lookie my name 0.0 I'm droz
  9. Tbb or rawr??
  10. Bearniey is Lil-Droz.


    Rawr definitely. My bark is so famous it replaces wood. ._.

    JK. Glenn. He's a perverted genius. 
  11. 

    Christmas or Halloween 
  12. Neither.

    Shane Dawson or RWJ?
  13. 0.0

  14. Cats or dogs??
  15. Chloe - RWJ! 
  16. ...


    Jk... Maybe. .-.

    Pokemon or Digimon? 
  17. Pokemon

    Toes or fingers?
  18. Fingers

    Ice-cream or jelly