Picture Time

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Zia2015 (01), Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. Ttyl josie 
  2. Whoa  mia! U drew that?
  3. No but I bought and own these paintings
  4. Oh hahaha their very nice :) how much they cost  if im not being too nosey lol
  5. Paid 100 for the horse. I forgot I don't own the hawk.
  6. I Hate Wearing Glasses ._.
  7. I wear mine all the time  im blind  i just take pics without them on usually lol
  8. Their too much of a hassle lol ill just get laser eye surgery once im 21
  9. Lord .... Where's Nicole 
  10. Watching sucker punch  lmao
  11. I liked it.....  cute chickas lol and the music wasnt bad either story mad zero sense tho :p
  12. It was a flick catered to guys but disguised as a chick flick becuz it empowered little girls to fight and dress or look a certain way.
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