Picture Time

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Zia2015 (01), Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. No I'm pretty sure it's just you Chloe 
  2. Ya you better run away

  3. Like I said Garret, I can't be bothered. You're only making the thread's atmosphere even drabber, so I'm rick rollin' outta here.
  4. Don't let the door hit ya,

    Where the good lord split ya,
  5. 
  6. stoppit :3 no fightin pawease
  7. They see me rollin'
  8. Please we're not fighting

    Things wouldn't be goin this great of we were fighting
  9. [​IMG]Keziah18
    My Best Friend! x
  10. Hey guys im a female i just belive i shouldve been born male
  11. Well, ok? 
  12. I hate those bent hula hoops :( they piss me off
  13. And it's funny how Chloe ignored garrets pedo picture but laughed at mat_a's or whatever your name is
  14. Oh wait they were both mat :roll: my bad Chloe
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