Picture Time

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Zia2015 (01), Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. Hows that guys writing on page 15 yellow?
  2. lol garret, you're a goofy lookin kid yourself and you judge others? 
  3. let people have freedom to post what they want to. dont like it ? move on? whats the problem? its like reading news and flipping over some pages
  4. Titties and beer, titties and beeer, titties and beer, Thank god all might for titties and beer, huntin two legged deer (titties and beer) thank god I ain't queer(titties and beer), there's a one thing daddy likes and that's titties and beer!!!
  5. Thank you:)
    You are too
  6. You look depressed bro, or drunk, or both
  7. Thank you zia
  8. Garret your eyes are freaking me out... I hope lazers dnt come out of them :0 :eek:
  9. Did this work??? :roll:
  10. It was edited, like this one


    See the eyes
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