Picture Time

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Zia2015 (01), Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. Muscles muscles muscles 
  2. All of garrets haters can suck a elephants dingy im suck of everyone being so mean to him
  3. [3rd party app] MUSCLES!!! Lol
  4. Yeahh sick** what josie said
  5. I chose to just ignore. So I don't flip out. 
  6. Lol he told me to say it
  7. Suck* kylee

    Like in the pm 
  8. Wowww. Can't you just say it yourself?
  9.  whoops
  10. No

    I told you to say it to 'your' haters

    I fight my own battles
  11. Garret do you like your title
  12. Yes

    But you just made it sound like I wanted you to say that for me
    I was saying to you. I didn't want you to say it for me
  13. Read the pm again
  14. I dont care haha i still said it because im sick of it.
  15. Ight I'm out! 
  16. Haha I I know how to cheer kylee up way better than you guys

    Get catchuped fool [​IMG]
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