Picture Time

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Zia2015 (01), Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. [​IMG]

  2. Is James a long time friend?
  3. Lmao Mona!
  4. <img src="http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/168042_179786372058609_100000817432408_350319_4952692_n.jpg">
  5. Lool kiss my ass mona
  6. I rather let James do it

  7. [​IMG]

    I just got outa the shower!!

  8. Blond!!! 
  9. Gee, Umm.... Got Enough Bottles There? ._.
  10. I'm not fucking blonde 
  11. Garret bro your so big headed u post like 60pics of urself a day. U need to relax 
  12. Oh yes you are blondie 
  13. Garret may I say sumthin

    I say ur cute 

    That's all I'm such a creeper lol
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