I purchased 3 tickets and won 4th tier. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 Thank you to those that didn’t participate … you definitely made that possible. 😂 and Congrats to all winners!
Devs have confirmed that all prizes have gone out by now if you won anything. If you haven’t gotten anything by this point, you unfortunately have to take the L 🥹
I got 11 boxes from 50 tickets, and considering that there are around 14k boxes and assuming that my win rate wasn’t abnormal, I’d guess there were around 50-70k tickets sold. That’s a lot of ecs and honestly pretty surprising considering how little attention and how much hate the thread got.
this is the first time in my life i've ever won a raffle but i entered without knowing what the prizes looked like (i was manic ok) and now i'm salt i didn't win the vip version 🤣😭 still cute tho 🖤 thank you ata
You guys suck for doing it like this. Like I'm so tired of watering my ecs on your raffle tickets and never winning anything. I am done with the raffles like this unless something changes or improves. Untill then I'm not watering any more time or money on them. Enjoy my ecs bc I won't be spending anymore on crap like this.