❥Pimd will you...............

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by PIMD_Jortdzy, May 4, 2014.

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  1. Check it out, this is how this battle is going

    yup you get the idea, i won before we started :lol:
  2. How can you have time to do that, when I'm beating your ass non stop..

  3. You guys are so slow, I can here you doing this in the background :cry:

  4. Yeah, I only have a few gifs xD

    But if you challenge me to a picture posting war, I've got that in the bag :cool:

    You win this round though. Lol
  5.  This is the best thread ever!!!!! ???
  6. I already knew that, so ill leave you wth this one :lol:

    Pimd don't forget to answer my question, Justin Bow and the other guy, you guys will have a better chance with Pimd_C :D
  7. Nope me and her haveing a wedding tommarow
  8. Not even brah :lol: that's funny though
  9. Pimd will u marry me, and i noticed when u referred to pimd_c u said them so u telling.me pimd_c us a dude and female :eek:
  10. LMAO ON THIS! 
    I'm quite saddened though because of the reject made here... Still a battle for the heart. which one would win?  Let us stay toon too find out!
    Now if only i had leant how to post gifs so i can post the guy eating popcorn like bow did... 

  12. Thanks for that Bow! ️

  13. But for the love of pimd I must So

    JUST STOP TRYING, You Stand No Chance[/imgfit]
  14. Apologies all around :roll:
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