EVENT ❄️Thanksblizzard❄️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. But no fat avatar :( I will not be able to represent myself then
    SweetB00 and Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo like this.
  2. at least some avas are cute
  4. The avatars actually aren’t up my alley, happy early thanks giving though! ☺️
    Lanaya likes this.
  5. Why is the neon rosa still in the lite box?
  6. WAY TO GO ATA!! Tiers are lower :') Now this is getting interesting ❤️
  7. Can't wait for the next one (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ(╥_╥)💕
    SweetB00 likes this.
  8. Okay it got removed, I was surprised for a second there. Love the 499 🥺
    Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo likes this.
  9. Cutee
    SweetB00 likes this.
  10. Super cute!!
    SweetB00 likes this.
  11. What an adorable room especially the 499
    SweetB00 and Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo like this.
  12. I'm Canadian. I don't need to dress appropriately for this event.
    Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo likes this.
  13. I don't understand what is happening...can someone explain please
  14. The stats look really good, but the avis are a bit subpar and I only barely like a few things from the dorm... I'm kinda disappointed on the Thanksgiving aspect, but it'd have made a good fall theme, I think
  15. Lmaoooo Vice well you can bring some maple rum 🥳
    Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo likes this.
  16. Its only because this is a 10-day hunt, not the regular 14 days.
  17. Happy Thanksgiving 😊🦃🍗❤️
  18. Some of these Avas are cute. I might be more thrilled if there was a turkey pet named Gobblet the Chosen Turkey... maybe
  19. Mosquitoes Suck!