LIMITED-TIME CONTENT ✨ Regal Splendor Shard Avatars ✨

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jan 30, 2025.

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  1. Oh, my, god. You did not just call all the black people here hood! That is so racist! This is starting to get out of control...

  2. I’m sorry I should have been more clear I was being sarcastic. It’s insulting to have someone question the existence of representational avis and then be told by a mod to be nice.

    BHM or not, it’s ugly to ask why you’re seeing Black avis. And it’s ugly to tell us we cannot get upset and if we do get upset to do it in a pretty way so we don’t offend the people who don’t think we deserve to see ourselves in the game
  3. 🌝 O lmao
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  4. Just say you hate us and get it over with.
  5. Areeee the avatar drops supposed to just show up in our avatars? Cuz mine didn’t 😳😶‍🌫️
  6. hun….just please….you not making it better for ya self.
    Lumi, FastForward, Gossamer and 3 others like this.
  7. Ps we are not all dark skinned and feminine looking men, we not all from Africa nor would we fit in there because we was already in America before it was called America before y’all europeans.

    so like can I just get a normal looking american indigenous black guy avi that is 106%/106% stats and please don’t put it on the leaderboard next to a caucasian girl. Thank you!
    Cremisius and BlueMoon like this.

  8. @Day & @ATA So does the incorrect summation of American & Black history and actual hate towards black people no go against ToU or what. I'm assuming yall will keep this here.
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