LIMITED-TIME CONTENT ✨ Regal Splendor Shard Avatars ✨

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jan 30, 2025.

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    Collette, StarsGalore and Grinchyyyyy like this.
  2. These are gorgeous! Thanks for making them available through party drops, love the concept!
  4. These Avis are cute, but I’m tired of the recycled stuff. These Avis cost about what 5 gems last last black history month.? Kinda shows that ata really doesn’t care and just okay to keep pushing recycled content. A1 job really.
  5. All I was saying is you can’t make everyone happy maybe have a few versions of AVI so everyone can be happy
    Lani and LadyHekate like this.
  6. I mean,, if you dont like it you dont have to participate. No need to comment on it either.
    Payne, Collette, StarsGalore and 5 others like this.
  7. I-… I can only shake my head as I read that funky ass comment. If you had any common sense which I can see you lack it deeply, you wouldn’t have even wasted your time typing that shit out. The black community only get ONE MONTH to shine, to be celebrated and appreciated for all they have accomplished and contributed to American society and history as a whole. We would like be included to?? There’s a whole v-day hunt happening where majority if not all the avi are white, and shard avi and even the monthly avi. Let us have our spotlight lmao you’re not missing shit. Also… as boldly as you posted that comment only a coward would change their name after the fact, cause you can’t take the heat you just created. Smh.
  8. No
    Payne, Anori, FastForward and 9 others like this.
  9. Some of y'all are ignorant AF... I love the avis. I'm white and I'm glad all the avis are black. It's got black History month obviously. So why TF would there be white ones. If you don't like it don't purchase them more on and get TF over it.
  11. I agree completely
    Noblesse likes this.
  12. How is it a miss when it's literally for black history month? Were you expecting some white or Asian avis in a black history month shard box?

    It's literally a set of 4 avis usually it's about 12. Let us have something for ourselves for once without people complaining
  13. You're actually so dumb that it's not even funny. Why would ATA make different versions of BLACK HISTORY MONTH avatars to appease white or non poc players?

    Yall have every other hunt this year to get avis you want but you're complaining about the one month we have to ourselves to find a avi that isn't white passing, has blonde hair, or racially ambiguous

    If you don't like the avis just ignore them and wait for the v day shards box ones to come out. Jesus christ
    Gossamer, Kitten_Brie, Payne and 16 others like this.
  14. Yes mam 😂
  15. These comments remind on how it feels being black, even though this month is for us….we still can’t have shit. You don’t have to like us, care for us, nor give a damn about us but can you at least respect us.
  16. I'm in tears 😂😂😂😂
    Pahuj, Cremisius and Komi like this.
  17. I’m only replying for this just for an answer kmao but are beads supposed to be dropping from parties as well? I’ve gotten two cat beads
  18. Also let me just say, these avi are either free or only 1k CASH in the game. The fact you wanna complain about looks is crazy, we have a majority of white avi CONSTANTLY (I’m 100% white btw saying this) so what’s so bad about practically free avi? Literally 1 black lady for the whole hunt NOT COUNTING THE EXTRA AVI so you crying is nothing more than pathetic and entitled. They DO have other avi, you just choose to pick the ones that represent BHM to complain about
  19. Is this Black History month an internationally celebrated thing? I live in South Africa and there's never been a mention about a black history month here or for any race in particular.

    The way people are jumping on others and attacking them for not knowing it is, is very sad to say the least. 😕 I understand the need for representation fully but why such hostility?
    LadyHekate likes this.
  20. These people know what black history month is, ATA does it EVERY YEAR.
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