EVENT ✨🎀Magic Sparkle Transformation🎀✨

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Honey, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. meanwhile your upbringing is showing because you’re complaining about pic avatars instead of being a quiet lil opinionated racist 🤷🏽‍♂️
    SweetAsYonii likes this.
  2. *poc
  3. You’re truly idiotic then try to say people being negative when you’re waving the opinionated hatred flag 💀💀 but I forgot you’re brown as I’ve recalled reading so no wonder, you’re basically one of the brainwashed types that hate their own race 👍🏾👌🏾
    SweetAsYonii likes this.
  4. i ain’t even see this. So you’re just colorist?
  5. Makes it a lot worst tbh
  6. How you "brown" but colorist 🤨 weird asf.. but hood rats never make any sense when they get called out on their bs and they proceed to talk 💩 outta their 🍑 🥱
    -sincerelyangels and -Wolfe- like this.
  7. Fuck you. I spent $30 for nothing. I’m really fucking mad why they hell do y’all not make it so if you get a female avi in the box so that you can get the female vip one. Fuck you
  8. When it comes to the loot boxes, you can get the VIP version without acquiring the non-VIP version first. I have several VIP avatars from boxes without their matching base versions.
  9. Dogging somebody of ur race bc u assume they hate said race doesn't make u any better smh "hood rats" aren't the only ones who don't make sense when called out n that generalization is inaccurate u sound boujee af tbh in other news asking how u brown but a colorist is a dumb question ppl need to realize racism/colorism isn't owned by white ppl lmao every race has racists n y'all mad cuz she said black black yes was poor wording but there is different shades of black lol y'all acting like there's just one shade a lot of black ppl are brown lol especially outside of america speaking of just because u black doesn't mean u AA either sailor moon isn't even merican anime so these avis aren't necessarily AA but I'ma sip my tea nothing else to say tbh except ATA can work on more diverse shades of poc but kudos for the representation thus far u r appreciated n the avis are definitely better than recent ones tbf
  10. ATA why u keep these threads open for lol should lock after 3days of hunt or sum it's not like y'all listen to us lol not in these threads anyways
    renamed24463 likes this.
  11. When I was busy all week with work and I log onto forums to get excited about an anime magical girl theme only to see people arguing:

    Astrid and ZanniCatfisher like this.
  12. I still think the side fem avi is absolutely stunning. I just wanted to say I was really hoping for a stat item of slightly burnt but otherwise delicious animal shaped cookies.
  13. The hunt was the main show here. We just got side tracked with nonsense
    Phobia likes this.
  14. Now that I’m thinking about it. This hunt might have benefitted from other shows like Pretty Cure or Revolutionary Girl Utena. That would help avoid copyright issues, too. The story is fun, though.
  15. I love the female 3rd story avi and the unique details for the vip version it felt like an upgraded avi instead of a recolor. all the other avis are stunning i just have one problem with the female box avi…why do we have to see the shorts under her dress i felt that was unnecessary, either make the dress longer or dont show it at all. i love all the stat items as well, they give off the same cheery vibe as the avis
  16. Bakula and Cardcaptorizerator? Why, though? It could have been Tarot Master Ume. Or Runic Princess Raspberry? 🤷
  17. asking kind of a silly question but if i go to 2 dog flashes before hunt ends and i get max drops can i get second story avi?