EVENT ✨🎀Magic Sparkle Transformation🎀✨

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Honey, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. Tbh it probly was. People complain if stuff is to different from the theme they ask for. But also they cant break any copyright laws
  2. I've never loved you more tbh
    Absolutely stunning 💖💖💖
    -SinsBaby- likes this.
  3. I'm not a Sailor Moon fan but this is adorable!
  4. awfully similar to the prismeyland dorm
  5. I'm hoping she is on the side story quest 😭🤞🏼
    -SinsBaby- and 90sL0V3 like this.
  6. ATA and good avis???? [​IMG]
    Succa, FastForward and SierraStarlet like this.
  7. Def a hunt for the female player base I don’t think ata cares about the males; after all they didn’t even do 3 monthly male avi lol just 2.. well hopefully next hunt will be good for us all or males 😂 but yeah good time to relax this hunt~
  8. That mirror 999 is to die for - if only I had the mental fortitude and money to go for lb 😂😂🧡
    -SinsBaby- and SierraStarlet like this.
  9. Cute 🎀✨
    -SinsBaby- likes this.
  10. Cuuuuute 😍
    -SinsBaby- likes this.
  11. Hmm, I hope for a mixed anime hunt the next time. Anyways, I like Lb and Main drop avi.
    Lumi likes this.
  12. I actually like this the avitars are worth trying to get lol 🌼🍓
    -SinsBaby- likes this.
  13. Prettyyy😍💖
    -SinsBaby- likes this.
  14. Oooo the effects on the vip avis 😍😍
  15. So does anyone know what you have to collect for the VIP bad chick in blue in the lower left hand corner? It’s for a… friend.
    -SinsBaby- likes this.
  16. I can't tell if she's LB or side story drop yet 😭😭
  17. It is the side story avi bb
    -SinsBaby- likes this.
  18. Oh nvm left is lb, right is side story 🤣
  19. How did you make an anime hunt with nothing resembling anime in it lmao
    Succa likes this.
  20. #justiceformaleavatars
    -P_M-Juss_Swagg and -SinsBaby- like this.