✏️Sug will draw it for you!✏️

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 00_Sugar, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. And now... I have stopped giving a damn. XD
  2. Draw me and i'll pay $3,000 yen
  3. ?can I be drawnplease
  4.  I still don't see a selfie of VIP even though he's been saying he's going to post one for 6969 pages.
    Js. ?
  5. You haven't seen a real pic of the person how do you know the person is even a guy??
  6. I'm assuming seeing as he used a male pic to catfish. ?
  7. ViP post a damn pic
  8. if I post a pic how long would it take you to draw it?
  9. I've seen VIP before 
  10. Does he have any crack?
  11. I can't remember too much but I think he had aviators on  or nah. There was a girl in the pic with blue hair though I think 
  12. You photoshop your pics....?
  13. ? I know.
    I've mastered the art if Photoshop.

    Jk I'm broke af.
    I use the bootleg photoshop ?
  14. Bunp. For vip_

    Hope u post ur selfie girl!!

    nice arts.