✏️Sug will draw it for you!✏️

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 00_Sugar, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. ^ that's a new approach, to defending that you catfish.

    Still lame af for being fake, an attention whore for trying to claim you are, and pathetic for trying to insult frozen over your "internet pride" your existence is an insult to Canada. ;)
  2. Vampire you cracked my lips into a smile.
  3. awh your such a cutie stevey <3 your my little Asian ^~^
  4.  Damn. I missed a lot.
  5. Your "little asian"

  6. yes =O you have them little chubby cheeky stevey wevy -3-
  7. OK then well that's done xD I'm semi gay.... o.o

    just to break the tension xD

    I got the best of both worlds -Hannah Montana xD
  8. She's gay for me guys sorry
  9. [​IMG]
    Hopefully this ones smaller
  10.  get outta here
  11.  with dat fake shit
  12.  It's me
    I have no intentions of being someone I'm not
  13. ? will you prove you're real then? Put 3 fingers on your nose, and selfie
  14. Na I just enjoy trolling to the extreme for funny ass reactions.
  15.  Didn't you post that picture here a few pages ago?

    Even if you did, you're pretty if that's you.
  16. Yeh she did but now people are even asking her if she's catfish. Lol so many catfishes XD
  17. I only did it to take the piss lol.
  18. Why would she catfish with that picture?