EVENT ☘️👻 Spirits of Ireland 👻☘️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. have u not seen the male leaderboard avi? hes ginger lmao
    Stella-Luna and Intoxication like this.
  2. I’m weak 😂 how’re you going to lead with that?!
    Intoxication, Ghastly and Muschi like this.
  3. It’s almost as if racism exists in Europe too 🤔 CRAZY
  4. Half the avatars are white and half are non-white, so I don't see how much of an issue there is with them not being represented properly. If you count the throwback avatar drops that were available during promo, then technically more than half of the avatars are white.

    And Irish people aren't all just gingers. They are still European and are going to look like other Northwestern European people. The only culture I could see lacking is that many people would prefer more traditional dress (although the throwback avatar, at least the female, did have a more traditional outfit), or a better dorm theme.

    On the same half, these things they've done in the past with St. Paddy's hunts and people always complain about copycat hunts. Already this hunt is being condemned for being a copycat and it's definitely more lackluster than our previous St. Paddy's hunts.

    The only vocal complaints I've seen about the avatars are that they aren't ginger or that they have avatars of color, both complaints of which are based on stereotypes of what Irish people can and do look like today.

    And honestly, Christianity has only been part of Ireland since the 5th century and that was due to England colonialism -- St. Patrick wasn't Irish by birth after all. If we really want to go back to the Celts and other original Irish indigenous people, then St. Paddy's wouldn't be the time to do it. It's a Christian holiday and the Irish people were traditionally pagan.
  5. Don't lecture me about race and use well-known racist language in doing so. The phrase "colored people" has been considered derogatory by the mainstream for half a century. Language matters and mature adults can handle a little bit of criticism on their language, thank you very much.
    Woes, Zuri, FastForward and 8 others like this.
  6. Its not the same though .... its a well known historic racial term to use “coloured” when addressing someone of colour. lol. if u aint “coloured” u dont get to tell us what is and isnt offensive. we know it because we live it.
  7. saying “coloured people” when referencing a race is incredibly racist. if you’re a mature adult, it’s pretty easy to google it!
    Woes, SweetAsYonii, nixi3 and 3 others like this.
  8. Might as well just go and say calling them black people is racist too then you bigot
  9. Says the snowflake that had a problem with what I’ve said when that term has been used by multiple people where I’m from all my life and no one has said a word 🙄
  10. Keep using it & see what happens. Not everyone’s gonna let it slide. One day u might call the wrong person coloured & end up with coloured eyes lmao. Bye racist.
  11. I also have used the term "coloured people" all my life, but, honey, this is the internet, and there are people on here from many different parts of the world. Their way of life is not like yours, and to assume it is and call them snowflakes for disliking a term with a history of racial discrimination just tells how immature and obstinate you are to adapt while interacting with different people. As Intoxication said, it's not hard to Google why the term is racist, read a little, accept that you are wrong, and kindly drop it. ☺️
  12. It’s fine to say y’all, probs has a colored people friend geez

  13. I wish they would keep the daily XC thing that they had last hunt
  14. Maybe no one has said a word because they knew you'd throw a tantrum like this.
  15. this is incredibly embarrassing for you, kindly keep your racism out of the forums.
    Woes, _Marie_, naveah and 4 others like this.
  16. May I know when is the 3rd side story coming
  17. Either 6th or 7th day of the hunt I think.
    Intoxication likes this.
  18. Skin color and hair color isn't really THAT big of an issue (to me anyways). I figured since its gonna be Ireland themed, i was expecting heritage of Irish folk spanning thouuuuusands of years ago. So im a little disappointed 😔.

    Pagan themed hunt would he really cool, norse paganism, celtic paganism, or even Heathenism would be awesome. But it would be difficult for artists to find historically accurate references to aid them in character drawing since pagans were forced into converting, their literature gone, way of life wiped from history.. etc. All people have are bastardized versions of paganism thanks to hollywood
  19. *i forgot to add. Im getting kinda tired of seeing avatars in just regular sweaters and hoodies. Idk. Maybe its just me
    Zuri and Shen-Yue-Yu like this.