★Count to 50 Before a MOD★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Merman, Nov 27, 2012.

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  1. 20!!!

    Go update your phone!!!
  2. There's a glitch though 
  3. 1

    My game has crashed twice since I got the update 10 mins ago 
  4. Trice for me
    And I can't delete wall post or follow onto the wall

  5. 3
     Haven't tried to delete posts but I can't follow the Wall link either :(
  6. Cool feature with the club badge though
  7. Yeah you can't view people's walls from your wall. There's a button that says wall but it doesn't work.
  8. 6

    What club badge? Where?
  9. Mhmm, I've sent to feedback
  10. 10

    How to unlock the new gift packages?
  11. 11 carefully
  12. 14

    You have to buy the packages, that's how you unlock the new gifts
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