★A Random Question★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -iAlison_MakeHerMoan-, Mar 27, 2013.

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  1. Ahh ok yup dont see them much lol
  2. my pimpthe most unpredictable
  3.  they be all "so what do you do for a living" and I'm like "the best pimp everrr" and they all "oh I see.. So how does that work....?" "GET IN MY SKETCHY WHITE VAN"
  4. lemme guess 

    Then you threaten to shoot or else
  5. They're on the urban dictionary.

    That's weird
  6.  no I give them poptarts and gumy bears as a bribe, DUH.
  7. This thread is going off topic. Requesting a lock
  8. I second the motion

    Lock Please

    Before they get a last word in
  9. Lock. Now.

  10. please do
  11. I third the motion
  12. the main pimps back
  13. The main pimp always lurks my hoe
  14. oh shit im screwed then
  15. i seem to have the worst luck
  16.  Lots of people are perverted on this game....
  17. Welcome
  18. to PIMD
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