Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Sammi: -starts eating-

    Selynn: -sees Blake and whispers- What's he doing?

    Sammi: -looks over- Drawing, I guess
  2. Blake: -keeps on drawing them-
  3. Jack: -Sits up- where is everyone?
  4. Blake: I'm not sure Jack seems like they are busy I guess-keeps on drawing-
  5. Jack: I guess so -leans on wall-
  6. Sammi: -looks at Jack- Oh. He's here

    Selynn: -sees- Oh…
  7. Blake: that's why I'm drawing so as nt to be bore
  8. Jack: well I'll think of something -looks at selynn and sammi- nice to see you to
  9. Blake: why don't you go and try to celebrate Jack day again
  10. Selynn: Hm. -whispers to Sammi- He looks lonely. Maybe we should be nice to him -smiles slightly at Jack-

    Sammi: -laughs- Alright
  11. Jack: I spent my last couple bucks on the marching band
  12. Jack: -falls asleep-
  13. (okay)
    Selynn: -finishes eating-

    Sammi: -finishes eating-
  14. Blake: -finishes drawing and gets up and leaves-
  15. Sammi and Selynn: -go outside-
  16. Blake: -sits down and starts drawing again-
  17. Selynn: -goes to train-

    Sammi: -sits on her cabin steps-
  18. Blake: -throws fireworks-
  19. Sammi: -sees fireworks- I wonder who that was
  20. Dawn: -rides a polar bear made out of water into the waterfall-
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