Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Lily:-blushes- just cause...
  2. Kane: nothing just came to eat some thing wbu

    Dante: I see-kisses her-
  3. Jack: -opens door and leaves-
  4. Lily:-kisses back-
  5. Dante: as far as I know they wouldn't care cause they have stuff to care about on there own
  6. Jack: -walks to cabin-
  7. Rose: I just came for some Coke and a cookie
  8. Kane: I have to make sure Zelos doesn't kill Jack too-sight-
  9. Lily:yea I guess thats true.
  10. Jack: -looks through drawers-
  11. Dante: yep -laugh-
  12. Rose:-Laughs- What happened?
  13. Jack: -pulls out photo- hmm
  14. Kane: let's say Jack pissed Zelos off and ze knocked him unconcious with a punch that landed Blake unconcious for three weeks
  15. Jack: -compares two photos- so it's true
  16. Rose: Wow. Jack must live to make trouble.
  17. Dante: jack should be happy Zelos didn't land a death blow on him
  18. Lily:yea he was lucky that time.
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