Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Rose: Oh hey Zelos. It's Rose. And how do you know
  2. Lily:-humming while getting something to eat then walks back to cabin-
  3. (you know what I think your right fire is prettier. Now Ninja versus Samurai? Don't ask why I'm asking.)
  4. Zelos: we all know him very well he may act like an idiot but once he falls for someone he will protect her no matter the cost
  5. Rose: You think so?
  6. Zelos: last girl he fell for died which was 150 years
  7. Azarah: *hums quietly while skipping*
  8. (um how old is Kane in human years)
  9. (around 900 years old)
  10. (I mean like what age was he when he turned.)
  11. (he was turned when he was 18)
  12. Rose: -whistles- I'm only 17.
  13. Rose: -sighs- It must be sad to out live the one you love.
  14. Zelos: and in human years he is 18
  15. Zelos: he spent 750 years not loving someone and then he loved someone who was killed and now 150 years later he falls for you just be happy
  16. Rose: You know what you're right. I going to go talk to him.Thanks Zelos.
  17. Lily:-sees azarah and goes over- hey!
  18. Zelos: your welcome-walks away-

    Kane: -sitting down on the tree still-
  19. Rose: -walks to tree and sits next to Kane- Hey.
  20. Kane: -falls off tree-hey-gets up-
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