Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Blake: he is very kind gentleman -laugh-
  2. Rose: Well then I'll just have to keep trying.
  3. (srry my iPod died)

    Lily:-in cabin putting some ripped shorts on and a belly shirt on-
  4. Blake: Kane forced him into making him call him Kane without the mister
  5. Rose: -Raises eyebrow- How?
  6. Kane: that's my little secret hun-winks at Rose-
  7. Rose: -rolls eyes and hits Kane playfully- Whatever
  8. Kane: -dodges and kisses Rose cheeks and runs away-

    Blake: -laugh-
  9. Rose: -touches cheek- Did he just...
  10. Zane: yep he did-laugh-

    Zelos: -laugh-
  11. (Which one is prettier fire or water?)
  12. Lily:-walks towards cafeteria-
  13. Rose: -Blushes and mumbles-
    Shut up...
  14. (fire)
    Blake: -stops laughing-lucky you our Kane likes you
  15. Rose: -mumbles- Yep
  16. (Ahh I can't decided which one)
  17. Blake: -whispers in Rose ears-don't break his heart-walks away-

    Others: -follows Blake-
  18. Rose: -Walks off to waterfall- Not if he breaks mine first.
  19. Kane: -sitting down on a tree-

    Zelos: he won't mrs Rose
  20. Azarah: *skips around happily*
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