Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Drake blue: *just keeps walking
  2. Blake: good I usually do this everyday even though it's night-laugh-
  3. Amanda:-follows-

    Puddle:-nods and stands up.-
  4. Blake: -gets up and goes sit on a tree-to make the place more peaceful I sometimes sing
  5. Drake blue: why are you following me
  6. Puddle: You sing?

    Amanda: Making sure you don't do anything to yourself.
  7. Blake: yeah of course
  8. Drake blue: *walks to his cabin and grabs his gun
  9. Ben-bored-

    Nico-in his cabin-

    Frase-in his cabin-
  10. Alyssa: -sits under a tree-

    Allie: -sits by the lake-

    Angela: -goes to her cabin-

    Selynn: -sits in a tree-

    Sammi: -walks around-

    Dawn: -meditates-
  11. (-whistles- Thats a whole lot of characters)
  12. (that's more characters then those I have while I only got 5 characters
  13. (When I get bored, I make another character)
  14. (I actually just made a war challenge against someone )
  15. (2 people against me )
  16. ()

    All characters: -bored to death-
  17. Blake: -sharpening sword-

    Dante: -walking around-

    Kane and Zane: -sitting at a tree-

    Hunter: -looking at the sky-
  18. (You have a lot of characters too)
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