Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Holiday: -laughs- That's a lesson to you.
  2. Jack: trying to kill me!
  3. Dawn: -rolls eyes- It's not your time to die. I would've brought you back to life. Besides, the most you can get from that puny fire is a burn.
  4. Jack: you know when I Die?
  5. Blake: a real cry baby-sights-
  6. Dawn: Uh… um… Of course not… I mean… Fate can be changed…
  7. Drake blue: matches how I feel
  8. Jack: when!
  9. Blake: she is a fortune teller Jack she just predict things not know when someone is gonna died
  10. Drake blue: the kiss meant nothing to you...
  11. Amanda:-sighs- The first one did.... Then one before all this nonsense happened. When I was still talking to tombstones.....
    Puddle:-hugs Amanda's legs.-
  12. Dawn: -laughs and mutters- Not just a fortune teller.
  13. Drake blue: doesn't even matter you like Sam anyway...
  14. Blake: -whispers in Dawn ears-I'm trying to help you get out of this mess because of what you just said
  15. Dawn: -whispers back- I can erase his memory, you know…
  16. Amanda:-looks at Drake- I don't like anyone like that. I'm going to say it one more time. I, do not, believe in love. Or dating and shit like that..... It just hurts people....
  17. Blake: -whispers-I know but it a better way to tell him that instea of erasing his memory
  18. Drake blue: damn straight
  19. Dawn: -laughs- Well I have to go ta… to go take my medicine.  -leaves-
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