Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Holiday: I said no.
  2. Jack: -grabs chest- my heart, you killed me -falls to the ground-
  3. Drake blue: *morphs into Drake yellow and teleports to a casino

    Julia: *screams and falls off the top of building breaking her neck
  4. Dante: -falls down with Lily on top-

    Blake: I knew she was gonna come
  5. Holiday: -laughs-
    (I gtg eat lunch)
  6. Jack: -stands and keeps planning jack day-
  7. Julia: *dies alone

    Drake yellow: *morphs into Drake green and teleports to camp
  8. Jack: -sets up banner in middle of camp-
  9. Amanda: See ya around Blake -walks to a nearby tombstone.-
  10. Jack: -puts streamers on cabins-
  11. Drake green: *morphs into Drake blue

    Drake blue: *walks into the woods with a pack of beer and a pack of smokes
  12. Jack: -climbs up telephone pole-
  13. Amanda:-sits by her tombstone and closes her eyes.-
  14. Jack: -Plays a giant horn heard through camp and woods-
  15. (I'm gonna scratch Julia's death)

    Julia: *looks defeated and goes to Amanda and leaves a note then walks away crying quietly
  16. Amanda:-reads the note.-
  17. Lily:-laughs as on top of Dante and kisses him-
  18. Jack: -marching band comes in playing loud-
  19. Dante: -kisses back-
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