Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Amanda:-nods-

    Puddle:-hugs Amanda's arm-
  2. Blake: has anything interesting happen to you lately
  3. Jack: -walks through camp- bored out of my mind
  4. Amanda:-smiles- Well.... Julia was sitting there yelling at me to make out with Drake..... Other then that... No
  5. Jack: maybe something is going on...
  6. Blake: she wanted me to go out with D...-closes mouth shut-
  7. Lily:-blushes- I like it when you laugh,
  8. Jack: -walks to cafeteria-
  9. Amanda:-laughs- Dawn? Or someone like that? Julia get's on my nerves.....
  10. Blake: I didn't pay attention but she was gonna hit me on my private parts

    Dante: -kisses lily-
  11. Sammi and Selynn: -walk around-

    Dawn: -meditates-

    Alyssa, Alllie and Angela: -sit by the lake-
  12. Jack: -walks into cafeteria- boredom
  13. Amanda:-laughs- She threatened to bite Puddle in half.

  14. Sammi and Selynn: -go to the cafeteria and sit down-
  15. Jack: -sits on table- why is this place so booooorrrriiiinnnngggg
  16. Blake: if she would have touched me I would have killed her
  17. Sammi: -hears Jack and rolls her eyes-

    Selynn: -ignores Jack-
  18. Jack: -sits up- I know what to do!
  19. Amanda: She slapped me but.... I don't really kill people....
  20. Blake: I don't but I can kill when I want
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