Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Julia: *still dying
  2. Dante: pretty good-sits next to her-
  3. Dawn: -heals her- You're okay.
  4. Lily:-smiles- well I am a pro -laughs-
  5. Dante: I see-kisses lily cheeks-seems legit
  6. Dante: -smiles-your cute when you blush
  7. Lily:-laughs a little- your cute when someone wakes you up and your mad.
  8. Dante: I'm always mad-blushes-
  9. Dawn: -watches Julia-
  10. Dante: well not when I'm with you or the gang
  11. Amanda:-sits on her cabin steps.-
  12. Blake: hey Amanda

    Dante: it's true
  13. Blake: lonely day isn't it
  14. Lily:yea I'm not disagreeing with you.
  15. Blake: I wonder where everyone is

    Dante: I know-laugh-
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