Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Nico-smiles-

  2. Lily:-goes outside in pajamas and goes to the cafeteria to eat-
  3. Alyssa: Okay. Let's go! -starts walking to the lake-
  4. (Angela go accept the gift I sent you)
  5. Nico-walks alongside her, smiling-
  6. (Thank you!)

    Alyssa: -reaches the lake-
  7. (no problem)
    Blake: -looks at Julia-
  8. Dawn: -looks at Julia-
  9. Dante: -Covers Lily eyes and with Kane voice says-guess who I am
  10. Julia: *against a building slowly dying as she was but by something on the neck
  11. Dante: nope
    (Dante,Kane or Blake didn't bit Julia on the neck )
  12. Dawn: -goes to Julia and heals her-
  13. Lily:then it has to be Dante cause only you would do this! -smiles-

    (oh no is the pest gonna die)
  14. (Dawn says this isn't her time to die)
  15. Dante: how would you know it's him-changes to Blake voice-
  16. Lily:uh... Cause I just know.
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