Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Jack: -turns to Julia- Go shove your relationship quest up your ***
  2. Julia: she's pretty and desperate you 2 are a perfect match! *still talking to Jack
  3. Sammi: See? You should be nice.

    Dawn: …
  4. Jack: being nice wouldn't work -turns to Julia- listen kid, I hate you and her so go away
  5. Julia: *gets on her stepstool and slaps dawn* KISS HIM NOW!
  6. Jack: -picks up Julia- let's put you in the dumpster where we found you
  7. Julia: *bites Jack's hand hard then kicks him in the balls
  8. Jack: -drags Julia by the hair- now let's go
  9. Dawn: I don't want this either…
  10. Julia: *screams and then bites Jack in the balls and runs off when he lets go because of the pain
  11. Blake: -doesn't even pay attention to what's going on just walks by dawn,Jack and Julia-
  12. (Jack is now a child molester )
  13. Julia: *walks up to dawn an leads her to Blake* hey Blake Wanna a girlfriend? There's dawn right here it's a great combo your both good looking and desperate
  14. Jack: -sits back down- I hate kids so
  15. Blake: -doesn't even pay attention-
  16. Julia: *kicks Blake in the balls* LISTEN TO ME!
  17. Blake: -jumps on top of a cabin before being hit-
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