Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. (*knows STUPID BLUE BAR!!!!!)
  2. (xD xD xD xD xD  so many people laughing...)



  3. ()

    Alyssa: BORED

    Allie: BORED

    Angela: BORED

    Selynn: BORED

    Sammi: BORED
  4. (XD)
    Azarah: Fae...
  5. Nico-walks to Alyssa-


  6. Alyssa: Hey

    Dawn: -nods knowingly-
  7. Azarah: *looks down*
  8. Nico-Hullo...
  9. Alyssa: What's up?

    Dawn: …
  10. Azarah: *plays with the hem of her dress*
  11. Nico-Fine...but im so bored
  12. Alyssa: -laughs- Me too…

    Dawn: Don't you want to know what I am…?
  13. Azarah: Yeah, I do actually.
  14. Dawn: -chuckles- I can't tell you that. But what I can say is that I'm neither Fae, witch, shapeshifter, werewolf or vampire.
  15. Nico-laughs and kisses her-

    Its a boring day at camp
  16. Alyssa: -kisses back- Yeah…
  17. Nico-what can we do?
  18. Alyssa: -shrugs- I don't know, what do you want to do?
  19. Nico- :p dunno...something fun?
  20. Jack: -sits on steps of his cabin- so bored... What to do...
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