Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Rose: It has blood capsules in the middle.
  2. Lily:-smiling and falls to the ground again- ow! Agh!! -gets up and goes to cabin looking at her arms that are burnt in some places-
  3. Blake: your lying-smells no blood from the cookie-
  4. Lily:-lays in bed-
  5. Azarah: *eats an apple*
  6. (I read to get caught up and probably almost died laughing)
  7. (lol you and everyone else)
  8. (  I was reading to catch up too, laughing my ass off, and my parents were just like O.O)
  9. (I just read what happened… and I think I just died)
  10. (and btw THIS IS NOT A COOKIE!!! I had a whole long rant about it on someone's thread…)
  11. (Closest thing to it, really. )
  12. (Yeah…)

    Dawn: -floats lifeless on the water-

    Sammi: -walks around-

    Selynn: -walks around-

    Allie: -sleeps-

    Alyssa: -in her cabin-

    Angela: -sits under a tree-
  13. Azarah: *stares at Dawn from a tree* O.O
  14. Dawn: -not breathing-
  15. Azarah: How are you doing that?
  16. Dawn: -looks at her with lifeless eyes-
  17. Azarah: I know you're not dead. *smiles*
  18. Dawn: -says in Azarah's head- I know you know that.
  19. Azarah: Well, aren't you a smart one? *smiles again*
  20. Dawn: -sighs and gets out of the water-
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